Upcoming Trips

Stay tuned for exciting updates! We're planning several mission trips for 2025, each designed to make a meaningful impact in communities near and far. As details are confirmed, we'll share them here, so check back soon to see how you can be part of these transformative journeys.

Mozambique 2025

We have the wonderful opportunity to yet again take a trip over to Mozambique, Africa Sept 24th - Oct 5th! What we will be doing while over in Moz. is primarily working with "Sybil's Kids" in the town of Chokwe. We will be putting on a special day where we will make crafts, play games and have a ton of fun together! We will also be visiting some of the Sybil's Kids families and will get to hear how they're doing, encourage them and spend some time praying for them. We will also be able to go to Sybil's school, and will help support Sybil in anything else she would like us to be apart of during our week in Mozambique.

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Meet Our Missionaries

We love our missionaries here at PV as they are truly an extension of our church family. We are honored to partner with some amazing individuals and families that have answered the call to serve the Lord long-term in various parts of the world. From London, to Mozambique Africa, South East Asia and beyond. We encourage you to support them in prayer and contact them directly to offer some much needed encouragement.

Sheboygan, WI

Lynn Bennett

Lynn is InterVarsity’s Campus Staff Minister at Lakeshore Technical College. Her mission is to see God at work in transforming the lives of students and faculty, renewing the campus and developing world changers.

Glasgow, Scotland

Bob & Melissa Hill

Bob and Melissa have been serving in Scotland for over 25 years. They run Overtoun House, which has been Scotland’s first safe house for women exiting sexual exploitation. This year it will be transitioning to being a refuge for refugee women fleeing exploitation and abuse. They also pastor His Family Church, a vibrant and multi-generational community of believers in Clydebank, a suburb of Glasgow. In addition, they’re also the directors of Member Care for Globe International, providing encouragement and spiritual support to 170 missionaries around the world.

Monrovia, Liberia

Matthew & Karen Gonkerwon

Pastor Matthew & Karen lead LifePoint Chapel with a passion to see Liberia and Africa reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through training, resourcing pastors and church leaders for effective ministry and church multiplication.

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Our mission here at Pleasant Valley Church is to see every generation made alive in Jesus Christ worldwide

We have been commanded to GO! To go across the steet, to cross state lines and cross borders to share the good news of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through acts of love and through His powerful words.

News From the field

Kim Larson

Pastor Sammy sits down with Kim Larson, one our Global Partners heading to Tokyo, Japan. Please feel free to shoot her a note to encourage her and show her some love at kim.larson@efca.org

Ellen Warneke

Pastor Sammy sits down with Ellen Warneke, one our Global Partners located in Kandern, Germany. Please feel free to shoot her a note to encourage her and show her some love at ellen.warneke@bfacademy.de

Sybil Baloyi

Pastor Sammy sits down with Sybil, one of our missionaries located in Chokwe, Mozambique.

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“Here’s the knowledge you need; you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. And you will be My witness, first here in Jerusalem, then beyond Judea and Samaria, and finally to the farthest places on the Earth.” Acts 1:8